In partnership with leading European innovation valleys, Helsinki-Uusimaa is carrying out the project European Circular Innovation Valley, the ECIV. The ECIV project, part of the Horizon Europe programme, aims to build Europe’s largest circular economy innovation ecosystem, driving sustainable development and collaboration across the continent. This project is set to turn European regions into dynamic circular economy hubs – so called European “dance floors” for circular solutions.
Over the next five years, the project will significantly advance the transition towards a circular economy of the regions (and of Europe) generating sustainable growth and development in the participating regions. Via the ECIV, regional companies in Helsinki-Uusimaa have the possibility to take part in innovational ecosystems.
The project, starting on 1 September 2024 is going on until 30 August 2029, is funded with a total budget of 27 million euros; 13,6 millions of the funding comes from the EU programme Horizon Europe. The operational budget of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council is about 356,000 euros.
The nearly 16 million euros of project funding will be allocated to open calls organised by the Normandy Region in France, encouraging startups and other companies to propose innovative circular solutions. Funding will be offered to international/transnational projects in value chains of various industrial sectors. During 2025, our regional actors in Helsinki-Uusimaa will be informed about their possibilities to apply for funding.
Partners from nine different countries
The ECIV brings together 19 entities from 9 countries, led by the Government of Navarra, Spain. The key regional project partners include the Northern Netherlands Alliance, North Middle Sweden Region, the Ministry of Innovation and Growth of Bulgaria, the Service Public de Wallonie Economie in Belgium, Scottish Enterprise, and Lithuania’s Innovation Agency in the Baltics. The Association of Cities and Regions for Sustainable Resource Management (ACR+) belongs to the ECIV, as well.
The European Commission has identified 72 regions as Regional Innovation Valleys (RIV). All regions participating in the ECIV project are regional innovation valleys. The innovation valleys promote European strategic priorities, like green transition and digital transformation.

Find out more

Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Hub – pioneering together for circular economy
In Helsinki-Uusimaa, the ECIV project will be carried out on the foundation and networks of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Hub.
For more information, please contact:

Christine Chang
Senior Adviser, EU Affairs
Strategic international partnerships, research, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem development

Venla Virkamäki
Innovation Manager
Development of R&I and international marketing, Strategy for smart specialisation, EU cooperation

Helsinki-Uusimaa calls for a place-based approach in the EU’s next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Helsinki-Uusimaa emphasises that the future framework programme must promote place-based regional innovation ecosystems and strengthen cooperation along the entire RDI value chain. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council's position on the EU's next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation brings forth the objectives of the region’s RDI actors.

Helsinki-Uusimaa speeding up circular economy innovations together with other European top regions
The European Commission has identified the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region as a Regional Innovation Valley (RIV). In cooperation with other top regions in circular economy, Helsinki-Uusimaa is carrying out the project European Circular Innovation Valley, the ECIV.
This page was last updated: 20.12.2024