The Russian airspace closure has had its consequences for European airlines. The number of passengers at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport is also yet to recover from the dip due to COVID-19.
As the 100-day milestone approaches, it is an opportune moment for us to assess the emerging policy signals and consider their implications for Helsinki-Uusimaa. More importantly, as regional developers, we need to ask: How can Helsinki-Uusimaa — along with other European regions and cities — strategically position itself to create future development and actively shape EU and national policies in an inclusive and timely manner? Senior Adviser Christine Chang has written a blog post about the implications of the EU's next policy phase.
The European Commission is currently preparing the financial framework for the programming period starting in 2028. The Regional Council of Helsinki-Uusimaa is actively participating in the discussion on the next financial framework and the principles of cohesion policy.
In some parts of the world, people look for a single word each year to sum up their hopes and challenges. If I had to choose one for the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region in 2025, it would be “momentum”—or liikevoima in Finnish, Senior Adviser Christine Chang writes.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council started the process of a thematic green transition land use plan in May 2024. The new plan completes the legally valid Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Land Use Plan with themes including energy, technical service, business, logistics, as well as environment and climate.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council took part in a meeting of the Power Regions of Europe on 20 November 2024 in Brussels. These regions are the most competitive and wealthy in Europe. At the meeting, a declaration by the Group was presented as to the EU cohesion policy from 2028 onwards.
Mari Siivola, who recently started as the Director of Regional Planning at the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has been working a long time with municipal land use planning. She feels anything is possible for the growing and versatile region. She thinks Helsinki-Uusimaa has all the possibilities it needs to succeed.
The event Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market in September 2024 was a meeting point for culture producers and purchasers from the regional municipalities. 26 regional municipalities looked for new cultural services via the project and event called Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market. Amazing 1,248 offers were given by the deadline.
Helsinki-Uusimaa emphasises that the future framework programme must promote place-based regional innovation ecosystems and strengthen cooperation along the entire RDI value chain. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council's position on the EU's next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation brings forth the objectives of the region’s RDI actors.
The European Commission has identified the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region as a Regional Innovation Valley (RIV). In cooperation with other top regions in circular economy, Helsinki-Uusimaa is carrying out the project European Circular Innovation Valley, the ECIV.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, in cooperation with the City of Espoo, will host the European Committee of the Regions' Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE) on 26-27 September. During the two-day event in Espoo, the Commission will examine the future prospects for EU climate policy.
Mr Eero Venäläinen at the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council started as the new Regional Development Director at the beginning of August. Our operational environment is undergoing great changes, but he believes in the future.
The first Helsinki-Uusimaa Culture Forum invites actors in culture and creative industry to Musiikkitalo (Music Hall) in Helsinki on 24 September. What does the cultural future look like in Helsinki-Uusimaa, and what is on the topic right now? We wish for you to take part, get inspired and create your own network!
If Southern Finland is doing well, it is a guarantee for the entire country being successful and competitive. There is therefore a need for promoting the interests together in matters which connect the area and its inhabitants. The regions of Southern Finland, that is Southwest Finland, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Päijät-Häme, Kymenlaakso and South Karelia have started joint intense activities for promoting interests and advocacy within the EU.
We wish all regional actors and artists in the creative industry welcome to the presentations of the project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market. The project carried out by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council is aiming to improve the equal availability of culture, as well as the employment situation in the industry.
Our Regional Mayor, Ms Tuija Telén and Ms Katrin Lange, Minister of Finance and for Europe of the State of Brandenburg, have signed an agreement on cooperation in Potsdam.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has joined the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance (ESRA), an alliance of European regions with proven semiconductor industries to promote the importance of the semiconductor and microelectronics industry.
Helsinki-Uusimaa Region tops the rankings as the most prosperous European region in the latest edition of the European Social Progress Index, comparing wellbeing and social progress across European regions.
On 21 May we’ll celebrate the first Uusimaa Day ever. Tens of events will be held all around our Region. Yle Areena is streaming our Spring Celebration at 7 p.m. from Lohja.
With a location in the northern periphery of the European Union, Finland needs more well-functioning routes both to the south and to the west. A planned tunnel from Helsinki to Tallinn has by now earned its position as a truly considerable solution for the future, Regional Mayor Tuija Telén writes.