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Fully one thousand offers given to municipalities via Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market

Ihmisiä Uudenmaan kulttuurimarkkinoilla syyskuussa 2024.

The event Cultural Market, held at Musiikkitalo (Music Hall) on 24 September, was attended by both culture producers and municipal purchasers. Apart from hustling and networking, 26 assignments and more than 100,00o euros were available to be implemented as cultural experiences in the municipalities.  

In addition to the municipalities and wellbeing services counties, other cooperation partners took part, presenting different possibilities for education, funding and projects. Help for issues related to work life was given. More than one hundred artists, actors in the creative industry and content producers came to present their own work at the event.   

The Culture Market and the EU funding info were side events of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Culture Forum. These three events for one day had more than 350 participants.  

New event with positive response 

The Helsinki-Uusimaa Culture Market, now held for the first time, was more popular than expected. Meetings face to face, as well as discussions between municipalities and culture producers seem to be clearly needed at a regional level. 

Positive response was given for the very concrete possibility to meet within the field and present your own culture services. Because of its big popularity, the limitedness and noise of the space used were mentioned in the response. Overall, the score was good; 8.3 on the Finnish grading scale. 

Kulttuuripalveluiden tuottajia esiintymisasuissaan Uudenmaan kulttuurimarkkinoilla syyskuussa 2024.

A selection of response given at the Market (in three languages):  

Fully one thousand offers on culture services to municipalities 

The Culture Market project led by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council gave all 26 regional municipalities a sum of 3,000 euros for the purchase of culture services. Some municipalities were able to rise this sum within their own budgets, so altogether, the whole sum is more than 100,000 euros. 

Municipalities might look for contents or programs for various events and artists to arrange workshops for participants of different ages. The purchase announcements of the municipalities were on display at the Culture Market event and on its project website from 24 September to 6 October 2024. 1,248 offers were given by the end of the deadline.  

Kulttuurialan toimijoita esittelemässä omaa toimintaansa Uudenmaan kulttuurimarkkinoilla syyskuussa 2024.

Some municipalities have already made their choices and in most cases their decisions will be made as soon as possible, at the end of the year 2024 the latest. Everyone who gave an offer will be directly informed about the decisions by the municipalities.   

All offers will remain to be used by the municipalities and some of the culture producers have given their permission for sharing the information to all regional municipalities. A substantial data bank of culture is consequently one of the significant results of the project and the offers given.  

More encounters next year 

With improved employment in creative industry as a goal for the project and event Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market, actions are now planned for a better dialogue with municipalities. Availability and diversity of culture is another target.

This project continues until the end of 2025. Next spring we will give info and hold events with themes like self-employment in culture industry and the way municipalities purchase services in this field. The event Cultural Market will also be held next Autumn.  

Pieniä huovutettuja eläimiä esittelypöydällä Uudenmaan kulttuurimarkkinoilla syyskuussa 2024.

We will inform more about our plans on the project website, in social media and via our cooperation partners. Please stay alert!  

For more information, please contact: 

Päivi Komsi-Karppi

Project coordinator

+358 40 554 5577

Project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market

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