Info Events for creative industry by Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market
We wish all regional actors and artists in the creative industry welcome to the presentations of the project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market. The project carried out by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council is aiming to improve the equal availability of culture, as well as the employment situation in the industry.
To inform how actors and artists can participate in this project, and what kind of cultural services municipalities are interested in, the Council will hold info events. During the project, all 26 municipalities in the region get some purchase money to buy services of their own choice.
During Summer 2024, info will be offered on what kind of services the municipalities have shown their interest in. After the info events, every interested artist and actor is offered time to work on their offers to the municipalities. They can then be presented at the Cultural Market Event on 24 September 2024 in Musiikkitalo, Helsinki. The arrangers wish for producers and purchasers to meet, network and get new mutual ideas to make cultural services more available to the regional inhabitants.
Register for the info events
Info in English
Info in Finnish
All events offer the same information, and they will be held as Teams meetings. Some similar events will also be held in August 2024.
You are also welcome to contact the Project Coordinator, Ms Päivi Komsi-Karppi in English.
Further information on Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market:
Päivi Komsi-Karppi
Project coordinator
Culture, Project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market
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