Helsinki-Uusimaa at the forefront of circular economy
The EU Circular Cities and Regions Initiative is furthering the circular economy across European cities and regions. The European Commission has selected the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region to be one of the CCRI Pilot Regions. We can now truly develop our transition processes at the front.
– Regionally, we can showcase a high circular potential to develop our circular economy, in terms of sustainable development and business. We have both the largest population and material flows in the country. Regarding the recycling of waste material, our region has the most dense and optimal social structure, Regional Mayor, Mr Ossi Savolainen states.
He also points out that significant RDI activities are found in the region, as well as many companies and head offices.
Programme speeding up Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Valley
Finland wants to be one of the leaders in the circular economy transition, and Helsinki-Uusimaa plays in many ways a significant role in reaching this goal.
– Together with the state, the municipalities and other significant cooperation partners we have furthered the Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Valley – and have also come far. The aim is to have both the region and Finland at the absolute lead. In the circular economy of construction, plastics and textiles, we are regionally very active, the Chef Adviser in Climate Change at the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council, Ms Pia Tynys says.
As a CCRI Pilot Region, our regional actors in the field can get tailored guidance from experts in the assessment of developing, implementing and improving action plans, as well as for the identification of significant value chains.
– We can exchange information and skills with other European regions, which we are pleased about and certainly look forward to, told by Ms Venla Virkamäki, Senior Adviser at the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council. – This is surely supporting our own actions and at its best, bringing us new EU funding possibilities.
12 regions and cities from all over Europe have been chosen as pilots. The other Finnish pilot region chosen is the Tampere Region, and the other regions participating from our country are Päijät-Häme and Jyväskylä.
For more information, please contact:
Venla Virkamäki
Senior Adviser, EU Affairs
Development of R&I and international marketing, Strategy for smart specialisation, EU cooperation
Pia Tynys
Chief Adviser, Climate Change
Climate work in Helsinki-Uusimaa, green transition, climate roadmap: Carbon Neutral Helsinki-Uusimaa by 2030
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