Finnish cities, municipalities and regions act as circular economy innovation platforms. To share our best practices with the rest of the world, we put them all together in our handbook “Finland – Local Solutions Are Born Here”.
Finland, a pioneer in circular economy, will be a prominent participant in the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) organised in April. Finland will showcase new circular economy innovations and cooperation models at the Forum. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Hub is also participating in the Circular Economy Super Week.
VTT was commissioned by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Hub to investigate the material flows and business opportunities of construction and demolition in Helsinki-Uusimaa. The results show that the generation of construction waste is strongly concentrated in the metropolitan area.
The Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku) network brings together municipalities, businesses, citizens and experts to create and carry out solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In December 2023, the network published its first annual report.
Despite mitigation actions, the climate of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region will be changing during the future decades. The project Visioning a climate resilient Helsinki-Uusimaa (VILKKU) aims to create the first regional vulnerability study and adaptation plan.
After 2,5 years of dedicated work and collaboration, the RECIPROCITY project, Replication of innovative concepts for peri-urban, rural or inner-city mobility, proudly announces the successful completion of its aim at transforming European cities into climate-resilient and connected, multimodal nodes for smart and clean mobility.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council has the honour of hosting the annual forum of the European Metropolitan Authorities Network (EMA) in Helsinki on 28–29 September. The main theme of the conference, which will be held at Marina Congress Center on Friday, is climate change mitigation with green and digital solutions.
The World Circular Economy Forum brings international circular economy professionals and investors to Helsinki from 29 May to 2 June 2023. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region and its Circular Valley take part in organizing events during this super week.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Valley is aiming to take the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region and Finland to the absolute top of circular economy. It was kicked off with a slightly more than 250 participants on 9 February 2023.
The larger cities and towns in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, along with the Regions of Southern Finland want to make an impact on the Article 6 in the suggested EU Nature Restoration Law by sharing their proposals for amendments. In its current wording, the Article would significantly complicate sustainable growth in Finnish cities and towns. It would in fact, on the contrary to its aim, lead to urban sprawl harmful for both nature and climate.
The Regions4Climate project brings together 44 partners from twelve different European regions to demonstrate innovations that enhance societal resilience to the impacts of climate change, in line with the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is one of the partner regions.
Environmentally smart Helsinki-Uusimaa and Successful Helsinki-Uusimaa are two of the three priorities of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme. Important steps towards these goals are now being taken, as the regional actors of circular economy are about to use new ways to meet with the challenges of sustainable and responsible production, and consumption.
The European Commission has chosen the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region to be one of the participating regions in the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change. This is one of five EU Missions altogether. They are a new way to deliver concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges by 2030.
The EU Circular Cities and Regions Initiative is furthering the circular economy across European cities and regions. The European Commission has selected the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region to be one of the CCRI Pilot Regions. Finland wants to be one of the leaders in the circular economy transition, and Helsinki-Uusimaa plays in many ways a significant role in reaching this goal.
A new expert group on metropolitan climate challenge is being established in connection to METREX (The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas) and it invites planners across Europe to cooperate on how metropolitan spatial planning can contribute to reaching climate targets.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has applied to be one of the pioneers implementing both the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change and the EU Circular Cities & Regions Initiative with the focus on furthering circular systemic solutions.
In recent years, the population growth has pushed Finnish cities, as many other cities globally, to set ambitious housing targets. With the new opportunities available to improve the built environment, will buildings of the future still be remnants of the past?
The European Innovation Council (EIC) GreenHouse Gas programme and Helsinki-Uusimaa Region have launched a joint co-creation initiative.
The Nordic Council of Ministers provided a public arena that through several events afforded participants an opportunity to give their input into the global warming debate, for the first time also in Helsinki.
Sustainable consumer choices and responsible business models are important themes for people in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region.