Ossi Savolainen Vice Chairperson of Scandria Alliance

From the left: Ossi Savolainen, Guido Beermann and Annette Lindahl Raakil.
Ossi Savolainen is one of three new vice chairpersons of Scandria®Alliance, a network collaborating for the Scandinavian-Mediterranean TEN-T corridor that is running from Finland (via Scandinavia) to the Adriatic Sea. The Minister of Transport of Brandenburg in Germany, Guido Beermann, continues as Chairperson of the Alliance for another two years.
The other new vice chairpersons are Ms Annette Lindahl Raakil from Viken, Norway and Ms Åsa Ågren Wikström from Sweden, representing the Board of Kvarken Council EGTC (Finland/Sweden). The General Assembly of the Scandria Alliance met in Potsdam, Brandenburg on 7 October 2022.
– In the current security situation in Europe it is ever so important to secure the Finnish connections to the rest of Europe by reaching to the west. Together with the other Scandria Alliance partners, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council will be able to advance smooth and sustainable connections, Mr Savolainen says.
A new mode of network operation was approved of by the general assembly. To ensure and improve continuity, a decision was made to make the Alliance’s secretariat in Brandenburg permanent and in the coming years, the administrative costs will be covered by membership fees.
The members decided to replace the rotation principle for the chairmanship with an election of the Chairperson every two years. In addition, the Chairperson will have deputies sharing the tasks. A more effective meeting policy and more electronic ways of communication will be taken into use, and a one-year observer status will be possible, helping to get new member regions and organisations.
The assembly agreed to focus on the potentials of cooperation between urban nodes along the ScanMed corridor. Chairperson Guido Beermann emphasized the growing importance of cities within the European transport policy.
– Our aim is to strengthen the network as an active and attractive platform for collaboration between cities and regions along the corridor to find solutions for multimodal mobility and transportation. Urban nodes are even more important in European cooperation and cross-border transportation policy now, Mr Beermann stated during the meeting.

For more information, please contact:

Sakari Saarinen
Senior Adviser
International transport, nature impact assessment of transport, project administration and funding programs, Scandria Alliance, drones
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