The project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market is improving the equal availability of culture and the employment of artists and freelancers in creative industry. All 26 regional municipalities are taking part in the project. As part of the project, workshops and a Cultural Market Event will be organized in the falls.
Webinar series in Spring 2025
The aim of the spring 2025 webinar series is to increase the interaction between regional municipalities and creative industry actors. The webinars mainly aim to share information about municipalities as purchasers of art and cultural services, as municipalities of different sizes inform about their procurement methods during the project. In addition to the municipalities, the project partners will also talk about their own current training, projects and other affiliations.
The multiple webinars are always on Wednesdays at 9 –10:15. The dates vary, though, but there is always plenty of time reserved for discussions after the presentations. It is possible to join them in Swedish and English, too. The presentations are recorded, but the discussions are not. The presentations are mainly in Finnish, but the recordings and material are sent to everyone registered. You can ask for the translations (into Swedish and English) after the events. Questions can also be asked in English. Program changes are possible.
Find out more about the webinars and join us by registering yourself! The dates and titles of the webinars are given here; a link to the event is found below each one. Changes possible.
KLOV project(You are transferring to another service) (Development Project for Entrepreneurs in Cultural and Creative Industries) presents upcoming events and training for actors of creative industry in Spring 2025.
Producer Center Living Lab(You are transferring to another service) presents activities of the Producer Center Living Lab project and networking events and other events in Spring 2025.
The nationwide Producer Center Living Lab project will create, over the period 2024-2026, a nationwide network of producer centres and its operational and organisational model. The project develops the operation of the arts and culture producer network by supporting the professional networking, and the development of regional cooperation.
The project will contribute to the accessibility of producer services and the conditions for the functioning of the arts and culture sector, and the employment of arts and culture professionals, in particular freelancers.
The project is coordinated by the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK). Project partners are the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK), the Humanities University of Applied Sciences (Humak) and LiveFIN (advocacy organization representing live music in Finland). The project goes on from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2026.
Creve (You are transferring to another service)is the nationally operating creative industry business service and entrepreneurship learning environment of the Humanities University of Applied Sciences (Humak). You can participate as an entrepreneur, artist, student, job seeker or an employee. Our service is mainly offered online, so your participation is possible regardless of location.
Experts from the cultural services of the City of Espoo will present its procurement principles for cultural education services and cultural services for the elderly.
Experts from the cultural services of the City of Vantaa will present its procurement principles, especially with regard to the following entities:
- Children’s culture, cultural projects for children and multiculturalism
- Cultural services for the elderly and digital services
The project Helsinki-Uusimaa Employment and Economic Development Services 2024 (TE services) focuses on the preparations for the TE services reform and for a regional cooperation exceeding the employment areas.
Transferring the responsibility for employment, municipal education and business services to municipalities happens in the beginning of 2025. The project in Helsinki-Uusimaa goes on from 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2025.
Experts from Karkkila and Tuusula will present their principles for the purchase of cultural services.
An expert from Lapinjärvi will present a small municipality’s possibilities and methods to purchase cultural services.
Fully one thousand offers on services to municipalities
Each municipality in our region gets a sum of 3,000 euros for the purchase of culture services. Some municipalities were able to rise this sum within their own budgets. Municipalities might look for contents or programs for various events and artists to arrange workshops for participants of different ages.
The municipality purchase announcements were on display at the Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market in September but can still be read on the project website. 1,248 offers were given by the end of the deadline. Municipalities are making their decisions and informing the culture producers by the end of 2024.
Purchase announcements by municipalities along with project information:
- Inhabitants 4 700
- Swedish-speaking 3,9 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 3,2 %
Looking for: Program for a culture event in Summer 2025.
In which language? Finnish, multilingual or language free
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Keth Strömdahl, keth.stromdahl@askola.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 7109 004
www.askola.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 318 000
- Swedish-speaking: 6,4 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 23,6 %
Lookig for: Artists for a multicultural event on 14 November 2024 to Kannusali club at Espoon Keskus (Espoo Centre).
In which language? Finnish and English, the performances can be multilingual.
Budget: In total 3 000 €, 200-300 € per performance
Contact information: Suvi Hartikainen, suvi.hartikainen@espoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 050 327 7829
www.espoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 7 800
- Swedish-speaking 52,6 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 4,6 %
Looking for: An artist to paint cable cabinets together with different groups of inhabitants.
In which language? Preferably bilingual (Finnish and Swedish) or multilingual.
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Silvia di Iorio, silvia.di.iorio@hanko.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 135 0567
www.hanko.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 680 000
- Swedish-speaking 5,5 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 17,3 %
Looking for: Culture or art services for narcotics dependent clients at Toipumiskampus (Recovery campus).
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Johanna Laamanen, johanna.m.laamanen@hel.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 09 310 24190
www.hel.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 47 000
- Swedish-speaking 0,7 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 7,8 %
Looking for: Cooperation partners in culture and art for shared food aid moments and reception centres for immigrants.
In which language? Multilingual or language-free
Budget: 4 000 €
Contact information: Tuomas Ravea, tuomas.ravea@hyvinkaa.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 709 5578
www.hyvinkaa.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 5 400
- Swedish-speaking 51,6 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 5,2 %
Looking for: Culture and art activities for children, and especially for children with neuropsychiatric symptoms.
In which language? Finnish and Swedish
Budget: 5 000 €
Contact information: Marko Vaappo, marko.vaappo@inkoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 835 5922
www.inkoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 46 700
- Swedish-speaking 1 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 6,8 %
Looking for: Accessible culture and art coming to people.
In which language? Language-free or multilingual
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Heidi Jäntti, kulttuuri@jarvenpaa.fi(Will be opened in a new window),
040 315 2201
www.jarvenpaa.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 8 500
- Swedish-speaking 0,8 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 8,9 %
Looking for: Artist or community artist for a low threshold community art project for young people.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 800 €
Contact information: Mari Rautiainen, mari.rautiainen@karkkila.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 044 4675 452
www.karkkila.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 10 200
- Swedish-speaking 30,7 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 9,9 %
Looking for: A buddy musician as a part of the year of celebrating children’s music.
In which language? Preferably at least bilingual (Finnish and Swedish)
Budget: A two month salary equivalent to a 100 % working time that can be divided into a longer time period during Spring 2025.
Contact information: kulttuuripalvelut@kauniainen.fi(Will be opened in a new window)
www.kauniainen.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 38 300
- Swedish-speaking 1,2 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 13,5 %
Looking for: Low threshold culture and art service for young people. Other contents and workshops inspiring young people to take an active part.
In which language? Finnish, Swedish, English or language-free and/ or multilingual
Budget: 4 000 €
Contact information: Mari Kronström, mari.kronstrom@kerava.fi,(Will be opened in a new window) 040 318 2009
www.kerava.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 41 500
- Swedish-speaking 15 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 12 %
Looking for: Someone to have functional culture workshops for children and young people.
In which language? Preferably multilingual, Finnish, Swedish and English
Budget: 5 000 €
Contact information: Anna Keto, anna.keto@kirkkonummi.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 183 5440
www.kirkkonummi.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 2 500
- Swedish-speaking 29,8 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 6,6 %
Looking for: Low threshold activities in- or outside for young people in the grades 7 to 9 and older.
In which language? Finnish and Swedish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Ninni Parviainen, ninni.parviainen@lapinjarvi.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 044 755 6037
www.lapinjarvi.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 45 800
- Swedish-speaking 3,5 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 5,2 %
Looking for: Low threshold culture and art activities for young people.
In which language? Finnish and Swedish
Budget: 5 000 €
Contact information: Sara Ertek, sara.ertek@lohja.fi(Will be opened in a new window),
044 362 1130
www.lohja.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 14 500
- Swedish-speaking 39,4 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 4,8 %
Looking for? Easily accessible culture and art for the elderly.
In which language? Preferably at least bilingual (Finnish and Swedish)
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Agneta Longhurst, agneta.longhurst@loviisa.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 044 055 5354
www.loviisa.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 1700
- Swedish-speaking 9 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 3,7 %
Looking for: An artist to have art workshops for families with children, as well as art moments for the elderly.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Jaana Keisala, jaana.keisala@myrskyla.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 596 9856
www.myrskyla.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 21 000
- Swedish-speaking 0,8 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 4,1 %
Looking for: A cultural instructor, art pedagogue or similar to produce versatile culture and art services in Pornainen and Mäntsälä.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Tarja Kuusela, tarja.kuusela@mantsala.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 314 5397
www.mantsala.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 45 000
- Swedish-speaking 1,2 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 6,4 %
Looking for: Culture to be enjoyed at home; experiences and life quality for elder people.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Marjo Moisio, kulttuuri@nurmijarvi.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 317 2520
www.nurmijarvi.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 5 000
- Swedish-speaking 2,3 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 3,8 %
Looking for: A cultural instructor, art pedagogue or similar to produce versatile culture and art services in Pornainen and Mäntsälä.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Mari Ahokas, mari.ahokas@pornainen.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 174 5005
www.pornainen.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 51 600
- Swedish-speaking 28,2 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 7,9 %
Looking for: Art and cultural service for village inhabitants of all ages.
In which language? Preferably bilingually in Finnish and Swedish
Budget: 6 000 €
Contact information: Sari Hilska, sari.hilska@porvoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 482 2004
www.porvoo.fi/kulttuuri-ja-vapaa-aika/kulttuuri(You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 1 800
- Swedish-speaking 0,8 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 3 %
Looking for? Culture and art for an event or chain of events increasing the community spirit and local culture for all village inhabitants.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Sanna Saarenkoski, sanna.saarenkoski@pukkila.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 7522 045
www.pukkila.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 27 000
- Swedish-speaking 64 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 5,1 %
Looking for: Culture and art services or program for intellectually disabled, and possibly also helping people with mental problems.
In which language? Preferably bilingual (Finnish and Swedish) or multilingual
Budget: 4 000 €
Contact information: Johanna Lindholm, johanna.lindholm@raseborg.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 019 289 2780
www.raasepori.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 22 800
- Swedish-speaking 28,8 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 6,1 %
Looking for: An artist carrying out a street art project for young people, together with the youth services in the municipality.
In which language? Preferably at least bilingual (Finnish and Swedish).
Budget: 5 000 €
Contact information: Katja Sågbom, kulttuuripalvelut@sipoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 050 395 9874
www.sipoo.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 6 200
- Swedish-speaking 26,4 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 7,3 %
Looking for: Low threshold program and performances.
In which language? Preferably multilingual, Finnish and Swedish
Budget: 6 000 €
Contact information: Maarit Tuomisto, maarit.tuomisto@siuntio.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 050 386 0825
www.siuntio.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 42 000
- Swedish-speaking 1,4 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 7 %
Looking for? Culture and art services for immigrants and speakers of foreign languages.
In which language? Multilingual or language-free
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Jaana Hopeakoski, jaana.hopeakoski@tuusula.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 040 314 3436
www.tuusula.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 249 000
- Swedish-speaking 2,2 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 24,8 %
Looking for: Performance art or workshops for babies or toddlers or children in daycare.
In which language? Foreign languages (other than Finnish, Swedish or English) or language-free.
Budget: 5 000 €
Contact information: Kaisa Kettunen, kaisa.kettunen@vantaa.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 050 354 9018
www.vantaa.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
- Inhabitants 29 000
- Swedish-speaking 1,7 %
- Inhabitants speaking a foreign language 6,3 %
Looking for: An artist to paint cable cabinets together with inhabitants, especially with young people.
In which language? Finnish
Budget: 3 000 €
Contact information: Saara-Maria Palmu,
saara-maria.palmu@vihti.fi(Will be opened in a new window), 044 765 9208
www.vihti.fi(Will be opened in a new window, You are transferring to another service)
The project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market improving availability of culture
The project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market is improving the equal availability of culture and the employment of artists and freelancers in creative industry. All 26 regional municipalities are taking part in the project.
About a third of the population in Finland lives in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. The majority of professionals in the creative industry of our country works here. Increasing the equal availability of culture and improving the employment of cultural professionals make our region more vital. Consequently, this leads to a better wellbeing and participation of the inhabitants.
As part of the project, workshops and a Cultural Market Event will be organized in the fall of 2024 and 2025. This project aims at finding new ways for municipalities and cultural actors to cooperate and act. In this way, versatile and qualitative cultural services are possible for everyone – also after ending the project.
This project is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and is implemented from 1 March 2024 to 31 Dec 2025. It is carried out by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council in cooperation with the regional municipalities.
For more information, please contact:

Päivi Komsi-Karppi
Project coordinator
Project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market

Fully one thousand offers given to municipalities via Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market
The event Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market in September 2024 was a meeting point for culture producers and purchasers from the regional municipalities. 26 regional municipalities looked for new cultural services via the project and event called Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market. Amazing 1,248 offers were given by the deadline.
This page was last updated: 28.1.2025