Let us meet, enjoy each other’s company with a cup of something warm to make us feel good on this Spring Day!
We challenge municipalities, organisations, parishes and companies to arrange coffee sessions. A festive coffee session can be arranged at work, with colleagues or clients. You can also enjoy your coffee at home, inviting your family and friends – and why not the neighbours, as well. Do it in your own style!
Small talk topics are found in the poster Regional Information about Uusimaa. It might even inspire you to have a light-hearted quizz. Enjoy your coffee in good company!
Share your feelings of the day on social media #uusimaaday or #uusimaapäivä
Material for arrangers
Print the following material for your coffee session on the Uusimaa Day.
- Put the poster Enjoy a cup of coffee (pdf) on your front door or note board.
- Put the picture Enjoy a cup of coffee (jpg) on social media.
- The poster Regional Info about Uusimaa (pdf) offers you facts about the region.
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Uusimaa Day
We invite you to enjoy culture, meetings and local nature together on 15 May 2025.
This page was last updated: 4.12.2024