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Entrepreneurs’ Vitality Barometer: Helsinki-Uusimaa the most vital region in Finland

Entrepreneurs find the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region the most vital in Finland. The second most vital region is that of Pirkanmaa, surrounding Tampere, and Ostrobothnia is the 3rd in ranking. The opinions of regional entrepreneurs were asked in a barometer. Three categories were measured: networking, leadership and decision-making.

Overall, Helsinki-Uusimaa was no.1 in the study. Entrepreneurs active in our region are satisfied with its vitality. A special regional strength is the reachability by air, road, trail, along with data networks. The bigger the company, the more important are good connections.

– The overall result shows that entrepreneurs estimate our region to be the most successful, so we are of course pleased. But it is not really a surprise either. Nor that we are the best regarding vitality and traffic connections. Naturally there is a need for improvement, as well. Regional entrepreneurs wish for better management and decision-making, says Mr Juha Eskelinen, Deputy Regional Mayor.

Tampere and Helsinki-Uusimaa Regions most attractive

The most attractive region in our country, with the most appealing image, is the Tampere Region (Pirkanmaa) with Helsinki-Uusimaa as a good runner-up (2nd). When asked about cultural, sports and fitness services, our region is the most attractive.

When it comes to the availability of workforce, built-up environment and education services, Pirkanmaa is slightly in the lead. Lapland is the best in tourism, with Helsinki-Uusimaa and Pirkanmaa following.

Companies not familiar with regional decision-making

According to the Vital Barometer, only a fourth of all entrepreneurs know what kind of decisions are made by a regional council. The political decision-making is not visible for the companies and only a third of all entrepreneurs think it is visible enough. Regionally, the decision-making for entrepreneurs is the least familiar in Helsinki-Uusimaa.

43 percent of all entrepreneurs find the regional decision-making favourable for them. In our region, this percentage is 35. When asked if the decision-making includes the assessment of its impact on businesses, 66 percent of the regional companies had no answer to give.

– We are about to start a discussion with trade associations, with the entrepreneurial view more strongly acknowledged in the regional decision-making, said by Ms Outi Ervasti, Development Manager at the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council.

Entrepreneurial networking

Networking was one of the questions asked of the entrepreneurs. In Helsinki-Uusimaa, there are less networking events for the municipalities, regional development companies or at the regional level in general. When it comes to well-being service counties and regional actors at a state level, our region is half-way down the ranking list. Mostly, other than public actors organize networking events here.

Our regional companies take more seldom part in networking events than the average in large regions. 66 percent of our regional companies offering an answer are reporting about them networking with others. The current regional average in the entire country is 70 percent.

Half of regional companies use public business services

The barometer indicates that business services are considered local services. Almost all companies need advice, training and financing during their life cycles. Half of our answering regional companies has used public business services. This percentage is somewhat higher for the entire country.

In Helsinki-Uusimaa, the services used are especially management consultancy, services for a starting entrepreneur and part-taking in development projects.

Entrepreneurs’ Vitality Barometer

4,830 entrepreneurs took part in the Vitality Barometer implemented for the first time by the interest and service organization for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Finland; Suomen Yrittäjät. 732 answers were given in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. The enquiry was made in March–April 2023 by Taloustutkimus (a service market research company), and its results were published at a recent municipal management seminar.

The barometer offers information for entrepreneurs and decision-makers as to how the vitality and factors affecting it are experienced in their own region.

Further information:

Outi Ervasti

Vitality Manager

+358 40 721 2131

Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme, employment and business policy, regional interests’ promotion, AKKE funding and Helsinki-Uusimaa Business Award. Deputy for Director of Regional Development Eero Venäläinen.