Let’s step into local nature and spot the nature symbols of our Region: the flower, the animals and overall, any signs of spring.
We challenge local day care centres and primary schools to arrange these excursions. Feel free to make your own family trip, as well. Pack a basket with something to eat and drink, and just go to the near-by forest, park or backyard.
Print our Nature Bingo for the younger participants to be coloured and filled with their own spring hunt checklist. Make the most of your nature trip!
Share your feelings of the day on social media #uusimaaday or #uusimaapäivä.
Material for arrangers
- Put the poster of the Spring Excursion (pdf) on your door or note board.
- Put the picture of the Spring Excursion (jpg) on social media.
- Give the Nature Bingo (pdf) to the younger ones.
- There is a wood anemone poster (pdf) for crafting and decorating.
- The Regional Info about Uusimaa (pdf) offers you useful facts.
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Uusimaa Day
We invite you to enjoy culture, meetings and local nature together on 15 May 2025.
This page was last updated: 25.2.2025