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Info Events for creative industry by Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market

We wish all regional actors and artists in the creative industry welcome to the presentations of the project Helsinki-Uusimaa Cultural Market. The project carried out by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council is aiming to improve the equal availability of culture, as well as the employment situation in the industry.



New study: up to €40 million business opportunity in concrete waste

VTT was commissioned by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Valley to investigate the material flows and business opportunities of construction and demolition in Helsinki-Uusimaa. The results show that the generation of construction waste is strongly concentrated in the metropolitan area.



Regions4Climate tests innovations to accelerate climate adaptation in the EU

The Regions4Climate project brings together 44 partners from twelve different European regions to demonstrate innovations that enhance societal resilience to the impacts of climate change, in line with the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is one of the partner regions.



Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Valley really kicking off

Environmentally smart Helsinki-Uusimaa and Successful Helsinki-Uusimaa are two of the three priorities of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Programme. Important steps towards these goals are now being taken, as the regional actors of circular economy are about to use new ways to meet with the challenges of sustainable and responsible production, and consumption.



Textile circular economy in new ways of production 

Good business prospects for the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region to produce textiles by recycling - as stated in a recent BRIDGES project report. The strengths and weaknesses of a production of this kind, along with the possibilities of collaboration, were presented in a current report on value chain mapping in regional recycled textile processes.



Regions on the way to recovery: Mapping the gaps

What support is available for entrepreneurs struggling amidst the Covid crisis in your region? Within the iEER project, partner regions are keen to understand how to build and develop their entrepreneurial ecosystems to prepare for the post-pandemic world.



iEER Project Phase 3 Kicked Off

IEER phase 3 was kicked off on December 13. The iEER project is back to business boosting young entrepreneurship, this time with a timely endeavour aiming to support entrepreneurs in their recovery from the economic shock brought by the Covid pandemic.